

Web ForoFP.es


ForoFP.es is a leading website specialized in providing resources and guidance for students exploring vocational education and training (Formáción Profesional).

At a Glance

  • VISITS:  ForoFP.es averages more than 9.000 visits per month.

  • PAGEVIEWS: ForoFP.es attracts more than 228.000 pageviews per year.

  • TRAFFIC PROFILE: Primarily students, along with a significant number of vocational trainers, educators, and parents.

  • FOCUS: ForoFP.es is exclusively devoted to vocational training and education, offering a very complete, up-to-date searchable database of vocational courses across Spain. The site also features an active forum and a wide range of high-quality articles tailored to vocational education.

Visit ForoFP.es