

Web Y Ahora Qué - YAQ.es

YAQ.es (yahoraque.es)

YAQ.es is Spain’s leading website specialized in providing resources and advice to help students choose their university studies

At a Glance

  • VISITS:  Yaq.es averages more than 316.000 visits per month.

  • PAGEVIEWS: Yaq.es serves more than 9,7 million pageviews per year.

  • TRAFFIC PROFILE: Mainly students, but also a large number of guidance counselors, educators and parents.

  • FOCUS:  YAQ.es is 100% focused on university studies (undergraduate degrees,  masters, and university courses). We have probably the most complete up-to-date searchable database of Spanish university degrees of any site. The site also hosts an active forum, and a large catalog of high-quality articles.

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